2033 1st Street, Idaho Falls, ID 83401
(208) 522-2525

1. PAYMENT OF RENT AND LATE CHARGES - Monthly rent is due in advance on the first day of each calendar month. Rent may be paid by mail or in person at Frontier Property Group’s office. A late charge of $25.00 will be added to the rent on any rental account not paid in full by the 5th day of the month.
2. UNLAWFUL USE - Tenant shall not use the mobile home lot for any unlawful purpose or in any way that would infringe upon the rights or enjoyment of other residents. No excessive noises or obnoxious odors are permitted.
3. INSPECTIONS - Landlord has the right to enter the lot to examine its condition or to make repairs.
4. SKIRTING - Tenant shall properly skirt their home within sixty days of the date of placement of the home upon the rental lot and shall maintain such skirting. Skirting material must be approved by Landlord. Neither unfinished wood nor baled straw will be considered acceptable skirting material.
5. PETS - Pets are allowed so long as they are physically prevented from leaving the lot. Pets are NOT allowed which ever run at large, cause noise, odor, or other disturbances, or frighten neighbors, children, or passersby. Pets perceived by Landlord as dangerous are not permitted. Any activity which would require a kennel license is prohibited.
6. OUTDOOR STORAGE - Tenant shall conform with the county screening ordinance and the subdivision covenants by keeping any outdoor storage out of the front yard and behind a screening fence or inside a storage shed.
7. VEHICLE REPAIRS - Major vehicle repairs shall not be made upon the rental lot. Minor repairs which can be completed within two days are permitted. Oils and coolants must not be drained onto the lot or into the gutter.
8. PARKING - Vehicles cannot be kept on a lot unless regularly used and licensed. No wrecked vehicles, vehicles on jacks, race cars, tires, or car parts shall be kept on the lot. Tenants shall not park in front of neighboring homes. Landlord may limit the numbers of cars based upon the size and layout of any particular lot.
9. LOT CONDITION - Tenant shall keep lot clean, mowed, watered, and reasonably free of weeds and shall keep the sidewalk clear of snow. No clutter or garbage shall accumulate upon the lot. All improvements, including sheds, decks, porches, and steps, shall be properly constructed, painted, and maintained. If a lot is not properly maintained, it shall be the option of the landlord to either cause eviction or to maintain the lot and charge tenant for such service.
10. SUBLETTING - Tenant shall not sublet or rent out the lot or the home on the lot without express written permission from the landlord. Landlord may require additional conditions prior to permitting subletting.
11. ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS - Tenant shall not make any changes, alterations, or additions to the lot or construct any improvements upon the lot without permission from the landlord.
12. PERMITS - Tenant is responsible for obtaining a building permit from Bonneville County prior to placing the home upon the lot. It is the tenant's responsibility to have the home placed upon the lot in conformance to such building permit. It is also the tenant's responsibility to obtain plumbing, electrical, and any other permits required for placement of a home.
13. UTILITY CONNECTIONS - Tenant is responsible for connecting the home to the utility services. Water connections shall be properly made with adequate heat tape. Tenant is responsible for installing and maintaining outside hose connections. Landlord is not responsible for frozen or broken water lines nor for plugged or broken sewer lines.
14. UTILITY SERVICES - Tenant is responsible for payment of all utility charges except sewer. Sewer service, provided by Iona-Bonneville Sewer District, is included in the monthly lot rent.
15. SALE OF MOBILE HOME - Tenant is responsible to have any prospective purchaser of their mobile home approved by landlord prior to sale of the home if the home is to remain upon the lot after the sale. Such approval will be on the same basis as that for any other new tenant.
16. REQUIRED INFORMATION - Fallsbrook is owned and operated by Frontier Property Group, Ltd., an Idaho corporation. Any questions, information, applications, or rental payments should be directed to Frontier Property Group at 2033 1st Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401-4411. Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.